
教育分流制度的国际比较 被引量:16

Institutional Tracking in Education:An International Comparison
摘要 教育分流意味着将不同能力的学生置于不同的学校、班级或课程,使学生接受与自身能力水平相适应的教育以具备将来从事某职业的能力。然而,世界各国教育分流的具体实践却一直伴随着有效性与公平性的争议。分流制度的形式具有多样性,如早期分流与职业型教育为中学阶段主流学轨的组合,或者晚期分流与学术型教育为主流相结合等。本文从年龄时点与学轨类型两个维度考察了德国、瑞士、美国、日本、芬兰、捷克等六个国家的教育分流制度。国际经验显示,早期分流对教育公平有负面的影响;但名义上为晚期分流的国家也可能存在隐蔽的早期化分流事实。日本在义务教育阶段的中学教师跨校轮岗制度值得中国学习;德国、瑞士的职业教育与培训的办学模式虽不适合照搬模仿,但其理念值得推广。 With regard to timing and structure of tracking, this paper reviews educational tracking in six countries.. Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Japan, Finland and Czech Republic. The modes of educational tracking vary widely, with early tracking (prevalent in vocational and secondary education) as well as late tracking (dominant in academic education). It is generally recognized that ear- ly tracking has a negative effect on educational equity; however, countries that claim to track students at a late stage may have complex educational policies and actually track students early and indiscernibly in practice. We believe that the Japanese system of assigning teachers to various secondary schools on a rotation of six to eight years is worth our attention, and so are the principles behind vocational education and training (VET) in Germany and Switzerland.
作者 陆伟 孟大虎
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期48-58,共11页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 教育分流 学术型教育 职业型教育 教育公平 educational tracking academic education vocational education educational equity
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