随着工业技术的发展,液压动力站的运用越来越广泛。由于其工作地方偏远、工作环境恶劣,液压动力站的维护、管理问题越来越突出,针对这些问题,利用传感器和Indramotion MLC65采集数据,采用GPRS DTU无线传输技术对数据进行远程无线传输,利用SQL 2005数据库技术和B/S结构的Web技术,设计了液压动力站的远程监控系统。该系统不但实现了通过服务端的实时状态监控和数据存储、查询功能,而且实现了数据的可视化操作、即时报警和预警功能,很好地解决了液压动力站的维护、管理等问题。
With the development of the industrial technology the hydraulic power station are widely used in different industries.The hydraulic power unites usual y work in remote areas,and the ambient is very poor,so that the maintenance and management issues become increasingly prominent.To solve this problem,the sensors and Indramotion MLC65 can be used to col ect and process the information,the wireless Technology-GPRS-DTU to transfer remote data,SQL 2005 database and Web technology based on B/S structure to design the remote monitoring sys-tem of the hydraulic power station .It realized not only real-time status monitoring,data storage and query function,but also a visual data manipulation,timely alarm and warning functions.It is a good solution to the maintenance,regulation and other problems of the hydraulic power station.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics