软件即服务(Saa S)是应用创新引发的软件交付模式创新,对客户而言,也是软件外包服务的创新.它以交付产品差异,定价差异以及交付方式的差异区别于传统的软件外包模式.此文应用博弈论方法,依据Saa S模式的特点,构建Saa S服务提供商与客户的博弈关系,研究双方市场交易权力悬殊与交易权力相当的情景下,Saa S服务提供商与客户的决策行为及其对整体期望利润的影响.研究发现Saa S服务提供商与客户的交易权力悬殊并不影响最优服务质量,而双方交易权力相当则会改变最优服务质量的影响因素;客户交易权力较强时可以增加社会福利;当需求量影响顾客的感知价值时,Saa S客户的剩余价值会增加,而且在特定条件下,Saa S服务提供商的利润也会增加;Saa S服务所需的硬件通过Iaa S模式采购会降低Saa S服务的价格,提升Saa S服务的需求量,同时还可以保证服务质量.研究丰富了软件服务外包的理论模型,研究结论对于正在迅速发展的软件即服务乃至云计算服务提供商具有一定的决策支持作用.
Software-as-a-service( Saa S) is the software delivery innovation derived from the IT application innovation. It is also an innovation of software outsourcing for customers. Saa S is different from traditional software outsourcing in product form,pricing model,and delivery methods. This paper studies Saa S provider'and its customer'decision behavior,and its effect on expected profits influenced by their different market powers. It is found that the overmatched market power does not impact the service quality,but the comparable market power will change the service quality effect factors. The surprising findings are that the total expected profit will increase when the Saa S customer own all the market decision right; when the demand quantity impact customer's value,the surplus value,price and service quality will increase,and in certain circumstance,the total expected profit and Saa S provider's expected profit will increase at the same time. Hardwares provided from Iaa S can decrease the service price and warrant the service quality,furthermore,they will enlarge the demand quantity. The research will enrich the theoretical model of software outsourcing,and the conclusions will contribute to the development of Saa S and Cloud Computing.
Journal of Management Sciences in China