
生态文明建设进程中环境污染治理效率测算研究——以青岛为例 被引量:3

Measures of Environmental Pollution Abatement Efficiency in Qingdao During the Process of Ecological Civilization Construction
摘要 环境污染治理作为城市生态文明建设的重要内容已成为衡量城市复合系统自我承载能力的重要标志.依据青岛市生态文明建设的现状,从投入-产出的视角利用基于非期望的非径向双目标DEA模型,对青岛市经济发展环境效率进行了测度(其中,废水、废气、固体废弃物作为非期望产出).在此基础上,运用C2R模型对青岛市环境污染治理的水、大气、固体废物污染3个子系统分别进行了污染治理效率测度,并通过效率指标数据的对比分析,针对性地提出了青岛市环境污染治理效率提升的对策与措施. Environmental pollution abatement as an important content of urban ecological civilization constructionhas become a significant symbol to measure urban composite system's self bearing capacity. According to currentsituation of Qingdao ecological civilization construction,the economic development environmental efficiency of Qingdaowas measured by the non radial-double goals DEA model with unexpected outputs,such as waste water,waste gas,and waste solid,are regarded as unexpected output. Moreover,applying C2 R model evaluate those three aspects pollutionabatement efficiency in Qingdao respectively. And the policies and measures aimed to promote Qingdao environmentpollution abatement efficiency are put forward through the comparison and analysis of efficiency index data.
出处 《河南科学》 2014年第12期2608-2612,共5页 Henan Science
基金 山东省自然科学基金联合专项(ZR2013GL007) 2013年度青岛市社会科学规划项目(QDSKL130110)
关键词 污染治理效率 环境 生态建设 双目标DEA pollution abatement efficiency environment ecological construction double goals DEA
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