针对传统传感器实验平台总线接口单一、成本高、不支持热插拔、扩展麻烦以及NI公司提供的数据采集卡价格昂贵的问题,为降低实验成本,达到预期的教学效果,以MSP430单片机作为数据采集卡,利用其自带的ADC模块采集传感器输出信号,再通过USB接口与计算机进行通信,采用Lab VIEW的NI-VISA的USB开发完成对传感器信号的收集。选用压力和位移传感器对这一平台进行了测试,测试结果表明,该系统具有数据采集快、实验数据分析与处理精确,且直观易操作、学生上手快等特点。
Because the traditional sensor laboratory platform is beset with the single interface, high cost,nonsupport hot plug,difficult to expand and the high price of NI data sampling device,MSP430 MCU is selected as the data sampling device,with its in-built ADC to collect the output from the sensor.And then USB interface is used to communicate with the computer,using the LabVIEW NI-VISA USB development to complete the collection of sensor signals and selecting the pressure and displacement sensors for the test of this platform.The test results show that the system is characterized with fast data acquisition,accurate analy-sis and processing of experimental data,easy to learn and operate.
Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology