构建现代市场经济秩序依赖健全的企业伦理行为。必须科学界定我国现阶段企业伦理行为结构以及选择、塑造方式。企业伦理行为一定程度上也是社会道德水平的综合反映 ,其塑造离不开政府和社会的合力。就企业而言 ,一是纳入企业文化建设的体系 ;二是从培养员工伦理行为做起 ;三是主动接受客户和社会的监督。政府以及整个社会具有不可推卸的义务和责任。至少应该做到 :在执法中导向 ;
Making up modern enterprise depends on wholesome ethic action of enterprise. It must be defined that the configuration and the choosing or figuring way of the ethic action of modern enterprise in recent China. Ethic action of modern enterprise also is the integrated reflection of the moral standard in society on a certain extent.
Journal of China National School of Administration