
基于出行里程分布的PHEV平均燃油消耗计算方法 被引量:1

A Method for Calculating the Average Fuel Consumption of PHEVs Based on Trip Range Distribution
摘要 本文中提出了一种根据车队出行里程分布来计算插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)车队的平均油耗的方法,并利用北京市区乘用车出行里程分布,计算了丰田Prius Plug-in、通用Volt和菲斯科Karma在北京地区使用的平均油耗。结果表明,3种车型在北京市区的平均100km油耗分别为3.37、1.83和3.91L;其中Prius Plug-in和Volt的平均油耗比传统车丰田Corolla分别降低58.47%和77.45%;该方法可用于计算PHEV车队的平均油耗和单个PHEV在某段较长时间内使用的平均油耗。 In this paper,a method for calculating the average fuel consumption of PHEV fleet is proposed based on trip range distribution,and by using the trip range distribution of passenger cars in Beijing city,the average fuel consumptions of three PHEVs( Toyota Prius Plug-in,GM Volt and Fisker Karma) are calculated. The results show that the average fuel consumptions of above three PHEVs running in Beijing city are 3. 37 L /100 km,1. 83 L / km and 3. 91 L /100 km respectively,in which the average fuel consumptions of Prius Plug-in and Volt are58. 47% and 77. 45% less than that of traditional vehicle Toyota Corolla. The method proposed can be used to calculate the average fuel consumption of PHEV fleet and individual PHEV over a relatively long period.
出处 《汽车工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期1421-1427,共7页 Automotive Engineering
基金 中美电动汽车合作共性平台建设与基础技术研究(2011DFA60650) 低碳汽车能源动力系统前沿技术合作研究(2012DFA81190)资助
关键词 插电式混合动力汽车 出行里程分布 燃油消耗率 利用系数 PHEV trip range distribution fuel consumption utility factor
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