目的通过对公安部南昌市警犬基地及其幼犬寄养环境的钩端螺旋体(以下简称钩体)病的系统监测,了解公安部南昌市警犬基地钩体病的流行状况,为警犬基地或其他类型的犬场钩体病防制提供依据。方法 2009-2011年钩体病流行季节在警犬基地及其幼犬寄养环境范围内,分别在健康人群、基地外环境(鼠、青蛙)等宿主中进行钩端螺旋体抗体检测和病原分离,分析该犬场养殖基地和幼犬寄养环境的人、犬及其他宿主动物所感染钩体型别是否一致,了解钩体在区域范围内"人—犬—其他宿主动物"的传播关系。结果训犬师(刑警学院新学员)感染钩体型别与基地褐家鼠中分离的钩体型别基本一致,幼犬寄养环境健康人群感染钩体型别也与当年度寄养的幼犬感染的钩体型别基本一致。根据基地钩体病型别定购了覆盖所有感染型别的人用钩体多价疫苗对幼犬进行疫苗接种,1个月和3个月后各型抗体阳转率均达到100%,这是首次报告人用钩体多价疫苗对犬类有效。结论公安部南昌市警犬基地已成为钩体病的疫源地,幼犬寄养在农户家会导致感染钩体,针对钩体型别选择合适的疫苗分别进行人、犬疫苗接种,结合灭鼠措施,对降低训犬师(主要是刑警学院实习学员)、犬场周围群众、犬及外环境钩体病的感染率,减少基地经济财产损失,保护疫源地周围人群的身体健康,有重要的社会意义和经济价值。
Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis and provide scientific basis for the control and prevention of leptospirosis. Methods Leptospirosis antibody was detected from healthy people and leptospirosis was isolated from hosts, such as rats and frogs in the police dog base and puppies foster places in regular seasons from 2009 to 2011. Data including the disease types in people and host animals in these places were analyzed to investigate the transmission among people, dogs and other host animals in the area. Results The type was basically the same between dog trainers and new students in interpol college and rattus norvegicuses, and also the same between healthy people and puppies fostered in puppies foster places. The antibody positive rate of leptospiro- sis was 100~ 1 month and 3 months after dogs were vaccinated with human multivalent leptospira vaccine. Condusions The police dog base has been a focus infection area of leptospirosis. Leptospirosis appears when puppies are fostered in farmers' home. Vaccinating people and dogs respectively based on the leptospirosis type and taking measures to eliminate mice may be effective to reduce the infection rate of leptospirosis in dog trainers, especially trainees in interpol college, people around the dog places, dogs and external environment, thus reducing the economic loss and protecting people's health.
Foreign Medical Sciences:Section of Medgeography