本文利用1998年~2013年SPOT NDVI影像对阿坝州的植被时空变化进行分析.结果表明:研究区15年间NDVI均值为0.383,月均NDVI值在0.222和0.623之间,NDVI在8月达到峰值;研究区植被总体呈改善趋势,植被明显改善面积占全区总面积的56.83%.植被退化区域主要集中于研究区的南部,其中小金县和汶川县的植被退化最为严重,若尔盖湿地区植被也有一定程度的退化,这主要跟该区域的放牧活动有关.
In this paper, SPOT NDVI images from 1998 to 2013 were used to estimate the spatial-temporal variation of the vegetation in Aba, China. The results showed that the average value was 0. 383 and monthly changed from 0. 222 to 0. 623 during recent 15 years, and the value of NDVI reached a peak in August. The total vegetation coverage was increasing year by year in the study area, and the 56.83% of the research area was improved. The degradation regions were located in the southern areas. The vegetations of Xiaojin and Wenchuan were seriously degraded and the wetland in Zoige, plateau presented some degradation, which might result from grazing.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology