《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》自问世以来,受到了批评界的广泛关注。作者从弗洛伊德精神分析的角度,在文本细读的基础上,证明Pi海上旅行的重要伴侣——老虎Richard Parker,并不是真实存在的,只是Pi真实本我的外在表象和象征。少年Pi所描述的的整个奇妙的海上旅程,不过是Pi内心中的防御机制出于对主体的保护作用,虚拟出的一个白日梦而已。文章通过剖析小说主人公Pi的心理活动的深层次的原动力因素,揭示小说的主题。
Life of Pi was written by Canadian writer, Yann Martel. It has attracted wide attention from the critics. But many of the studies mainly focus on the theme and the authenticity of the story. Pi’s experiences will be analyzed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The paper tries to prove that the tiger named Richard Parke is not real but young Pi’s ID. The described journey of Pi is but a daydream invented by the traumatized Pi as his defense mechanism. The paper explores Pi’s psychological motivation.
Journal of Education Institute of TAIYUAN University