
信息技术环境下大学英语网络课程资源的利用研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Utilization of English Network-based Curriculum Resources in College English
摘要 互联网通信工具被逐渐使用于英语学习。它能促进学生听说读写能力的提高,是英语课堂教学的必要补充。由于其在语言教学中的使用,使得学生英语学习的质量和效率大幅提升。文章通过回顾相关在英语教学活动中使用网络交流工具辅助教学的文献,介绍相关网络工具,旨在帮助广大师生更高效地利用网络资源,创建更加适合英语学习的环境。 Internet communication tools have been used in education especially in English language learning. They are supplements to English teaching such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of students. By using new technologies, students learn faster and easier than before, which is proved by the researches that have been done. Learning English through the web and using new trends in education in schools can arouse students' interests to learn English. The aim of this study is to review the literature of the communication tools used on the network in English teaching and learning activities, and introduce the relevant network tools designed to help teachers and students more efficient use of network resources, which leads to create a more suitable learning environment.
作者 黄林慧
出处 《太原大学教育学院学报》 2014年第4期73-75,共3页 Journal of Education Institute of TAIYUAN University
基金 广西师范学院2014年度教学改革立项项目
关键词 信息技术 大学英语 网络课程资源 利用 IT-based technology college English network-based curriculum resources utilization
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