
陆德铭治疗乳腺癌术后转移的经验 被引量:5

Introduction of Professor LU Deming's Experience of Treating Post-operation Metastasis in Breast Cancer
摘要 陆徳铭教授认为乳腺癌患者术后转移多以正虚为其本,余毒旁窜为其标,治疗谨守扶正祛邪大法,以自拟乳癌术后方健脾益气、调摄冲任扶其正,根据病位,随证选用清热解毒、化痰散结之品祛余毒。 Base on Professor LU Deming's experience,the common root cause of post- operation metastasis m breast cancer is asthenia of healthy energy and the manifestation is remained toxicity scurrying and basic therapeutic principle is strengthening body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors. Professor LU developed Ruai Shuhou Prescription to strengthen body resistance by fortifying the spleen, replenishing qi and regulating Chong - Ren, and eliminate remained toxicity scurrying by clearing heat - tox- icity and dissipating phlegm and resolving masses according to pathological change location and pattern.
作者 刘静
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2014年第12期2544-2545,共2页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 乳腺癌 术后转移 扶正祛邪 LU Deming breast cancer post - operation metastasis strengthening body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors
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