
上海迪斯尼周边传染病疫情及长效防控策略 被引量:2

Analysis of infectious disease in Shanghai Disney surrounding areas and exploration of the Shanghai Disney long-term prevention strategy
摘要 目的分析上海迪斯尼周边法定传染病疫情特征,探讨上海迪尼斯园区传染病长效防控策略。方法以上海迪斯尼为中心,选取半径约10 km范围人群为研究对象,通过"中国疾病预防控制信息系统"收集2007-2012年疫情数据,采用描述性流行病学方法进行统计分析。结果上海迪斯尼2007-2012年周边累计报告法定传染病27224例,其中甲类2例,乙类12 166例,丙类传染病15 056例。甲乙类传染病年发病率总体呈下降趋势,丙类传染病逐年递增。总体上,血源及性传染病居多,占66.51%,发病平稳;其次为呼吸道传染病,占26.04%,上升较快;肠道传染病下降明显,占7.12%。甲乙、丙类传染病发病高峰均位于5~7月;甲乙类传染病发病年龄以25~30岁为主,职业以工人居多,主要为浦东新区户籍病例,其中紧邻迪斯尼的2个镇人群发病率最高(197.04/10万);丙类传染病发病年龄集中在0~5岁,职业以散居儿童为主,其他省户籍病例居多,迪斯尼外圈的4个镇人群发病率较高(209.20/10万)。结论从发病高峰入手,每年5~7月,针对肺结核、猩红热、手足口病等高发传染病,严防暴发和流行;针对25~30岁的该区户籍工人,加强血源及性传染病与呼吸道传染病防控工作,针对散居与幼托儿童,做好以手足口病为主的疾病控制;同时,结合区域特点,重点关注迪斯尼内圈甲乙类传染病和外圈丙类传染病的防控;借鉴国内外先进技术,建立疾病监测系统;加强专业建设和人才梯队培养,提高大型活动保障能力。 Objective To analyze the infectious disease in Shanghai Disney surrounding areas and explore the long-term prevention strategy. Methods The study population was the residents living around Shanghai Disney within 10 kilometers radius. The infectious disease data from 2007 to 2012 were collected from China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention, and analyzed by descriptive epidemiology. Results There were 27,224 cases of statutory infectious diseases reported around Shanghai Disney from 2007 to 2012, Category A infection (2 cases), Category B infection (12,166 cases), Category C infection ( 15,056 cases). The morbidity of Category A and B infection was of overall downward trend. The morbidity of Category C infection was increasing yearly. Overall, the majority cases were blood and sexually transmitted diseases (accounting for 66. 51%), its trend was generally stable. Followed by respiratory diseases (accounting for 26.04%), rising faster. Intestinal infectious diseases decreased significantly ( accounting for 7. 12%). The peak incidence of ABC infectious diseases was from May to July. In Category A and B infectious diseases, the predominant age of onset was from 25 to 30 years old, the predominant occupation was worker~ and the predominant household registration cases were in Pudong New Area. The incidence rate of the two towns close to Disney was the highest ( 197.04/100 000). In Category C infectious diseases, the predominant age of onset was from 0 to 5 year-old, the predominant occupation was diaspora children, and the predominant household registration cases were of other provinces. The incidence rate of the four towns around the outer ring of Disney was the highest (209.20/100,000). Conclusions Starting with the peak incidence, we can prevent the outbreak and epidemic of tuberculosis, scarlet fever, hand-foot-mouth diseases from May to July. For 25 to 30 year-old household registration workers in this area, we must attach importance to the prevention and control measures of the blood, sexually and respiratory transmitted diseases. For diaspora and kindergarten children, we should focus on the control of hand-foot-mouth disease. Meanwhile, combining with the characteristics of the region, we should focus on the prevention and control of Category A and B infectious diseases in two towns close to Disney and Category C infectious diseases in four towns around Shanghai Disney. By learning from foreign advanced technology, we can establish our own disease surveillance systems. By strengthening professional development and training talent, we can enhance the ability to protect large-scale events.
出处 《公共卫生与预防医学》 2014年第6期9-12,共4页 Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
基金 上海市浦东新区科教兴医三年行动计划重点学科建设项目(PWZxk2010-09)
关键词 迪斯尼 传染病 发病率 Disney Infectious disease Epidemic
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