
科研院所创新行为与区域创新绩效间关系研究 被引量:19

Research of the Relationships Between Research Institutes Innovation Behavior and RIS Innovation Performance
摘要 借鉴国内外学者的相关研究,基于区域科研院所与其他创新主体间的关系,提出了区域创新系统中科研院所创新行为与区域创新绩效间直接和间接影响关系的理论假设。通过问卷调查以及改善结构方程路径分析,科研院所组织外部创新合作和员工创新行为对组织内部创新行为、科技中介合作和企业新产品绩效间关系发挥了积极的中介作用;市场绩效在企业新产品绩效和区域创新绩效间发挥了积极的中介作用;政府行为对科研院所组织外部创新合作、科技中介合作有正向的调节作用,而对员工的创新行为以及市场绩效存在负向调节影响。 Based on the literatures at home and abroad, theoretical hypotheses have been set on the direct and in-direct effect between research institute innovation behavior and regional innovation performance via the relation-ships among research institutes and other main parts in RIS. Following the data surveys and the paths moderating on SEM model, the results show that the innovation cooperation external of research institute organization and em-ployee innovation behavior are playing positive mediating roles among internal innovation behavior of organization and intermediary cooperation and new products performance of enterprise respectively; market performance plays positive mediating effects on new products performance and regional innovation performance; government behavior positively moderates the innovation cooperation external of organization and intermediary cooperation. However, it brings the negative moderation to employee innovation behavior and market performance.
作者 李柏洲 周森
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期75-87,共13页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71073034) 国家社会科学基金重点项目(14AGL004) 教育部博士点基金项目(71101034) 教育部国家公派留学基金项目(201206680034)
关键词 科研院所 组织创新行为 区域创新绩效 中介效应 调节效应 research institute;organizational innovation behavior;regional innovation performance;mediating moderating
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