
企业知识积累与创新能力演化间动态关系研究——基于系统动力学仿真方法 被引量:55

Research on Dynamic Relationship between a Firm's Knowledge Accumulation and Innovation Capabilities Evolution
摘要 在构建知识积累与创新能力演化关系的理论框架基础上,遵循"知识积累动力→知识积累行为→知识基构建→知识基激活→创新能力演化"的脉络,建立了企业知识积累与创新能力演化规律之间动态关系的系统动力学模型,并利用工具软件Vensim PLE进行仿真运行。结果显示:企业知识历时性积累对创新能力提升具有边际递增的贡献作用,但必须以企业更广泛空间上的集聚性知识积累(异质性知识)为条件;企业能力刚性不是来源于知识积累本身,而是知识积累方式;知识积累对创新能力演化的贡献作用存在"临界规模"效应,因此企业需要对知识积累进行长期投资。最后,对研究结果的管理意义、局限性及未来研究进行了讨论。 Based on the theoretical framework constructed for relationship between the firm's knowledge accumula-tion and innovation capabilities, following the clue of 'motivations of knowledge accumulation→ actions of know-ledge accumulation→ knowledge base construction→ knowledge base activation→ evolution of innovation capabili-ties', the present paper established a model for simulating the dynamic interaction of knowledge accumulating and innovation capabilities evolving in a firm via software of Vensim PLE. Research finds got: (1)Knowledge accumu-lation in conduced to leverage a firm's innovation capabilities with increasing marginal contribution. And the effect of increasing marginal contribution of a firm's diachronic knowledge accumulation to innovation capabilities is con-ditioned by its agglomerative knowledge accumulation. (2)A firm's innovation capabilities rigidity is not derived from knowledge accumulation per se, instead of the way of knowledge accumulation. (3)There exists critical mass when knowledge accumulation contributes to a firm's innovation capabilities leveraging.
作者 张军 许庆瑞
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期128-138,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71172115 71472003) 中国工程院资助项目(2014-XY-40)
关键词 企业创新能力 知识积累 历时性知识积累 集聚性知识积累 系统动力学 innovation capabilities;knowledge accumulation;diachronic knowledge accumulation;agglomerative knowledge accumulation;System Dynamics
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