

The Procedures of Rural Schools Consolidation in the United States
摘要 为了保证农村学校或学区合并的顺利进行,美国大多数州都会以法令的形式加强对农村学校合并过程的控制,并按照规定的公正性程序推进农村中小学合并,即初步考虑-可行性研究-向公众宣传-评估公众支持-合并正式实施。美国通过构建农村中小学合并决策的公正性程序,科学地制定合并程序的指导方针,力图确保合并决策过程的理性化运作。目前,我国还缺少农村中小学合并决策的法律依据,因此,需要根据美国的经验,结合我国实际,构建公正性的农村中小学合并程序。 In order to ensure that rural schools or districts were consolidated smoothly, most states will control the procedures of rural school consolidation by ordinance and in accordance with the fairness procedures to ensure the rural primary and secondary schools consolidation. That is preliminary consideration - feasibility study - informing the public - assessing the support of the public - implementing the consolidation. The U.S. formulated consolidation guidelines scientifically by building fairness procedures of rural schools consolidation, and they want to try to ensure that the rational decision-making process of consolidation. At present, China is still the lack of legal basis for rural primary and secondary schools consolidation. Therefore, according to the American experience and China's actual conditions, we need build the fairness procedures of rural schools consolidation.
作者 王娟涓
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期35-39,共5页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
基金 四川省教育厅2013年度科研基金项目"四川省农村中小学布局调整研究"(项目编号:13SB0231)的部分研究成果
关键词 美国 农村中小学 学校合并 合并程序 the United States rural schools school consolidation procedures
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