目的分析福建省乙型肝炎(简称"乙肝")出生队列流行病学特征,为乙肝的防控策略提供参考依据。方法收集中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统中福建省2005—2012年乙肝监测资料,分析福建省乙肝出生队列流行病学特征,尤其是不同出生年代人群的乙肝发病情况。结果福建省2005—2012年共监测报告乙肝病例455 165例,年均发病率为154.21/10万,年平均增长速度为11.66%;其中报告急性乙肝病例45 416例,年均发病率为15.39/10万,年平均增长速度为7.30%;不同出生年代人群乙肝和急性乙肝流行曲线相似,1949—1970年出生人群发病率在150/10万-200/10万和10/10万-15/10万范围波动,1970—1990年出生人群发病率形成高峰,峰值分别为284.12/10万和38.59/10万,之后直线下降;1985年之后出生人群乙肝和急性乙肝的年平均增长速度快于1985年之前出生人群。结论虽然乙肝疫苗的使用和儿童免疫规划的实施对乙肝疫情的防控起到重大作用,但福建省乙肝疫情仍逐年上升,防控策略需进一步调整。
Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B in Fujian province and to provide a basis for making prevention and control strategies. Methods The data on hepatitis B prevalence were obtained from Na- tional Notifiable Disease Reporting System and analyzed with descriptive and analytic method, with special emphasis on birth cohort description. Results From 2005 to 2012, there were 455 165 cases of hepatitis B reported. The average an- nual incidence of hepatitis B and acute hepatitis B were 154. 21 per 100 000 and 15.39 per 100 000, and the average annual growth rate were 11.66% and 7.30%. The characteristics of prevalence curve by birth cohort of hepatitis B and a- cute hepatitis B were similar. For the people born between 1949 to 1970 ,the average annual incidence of hepatitis B and acute hepatitis B fluctuated between 150 to 200 per 100 000 and 10 to 15 per 100 000. For the people born between 1970 to 1990 ,the prevalence curve of hepatitis B and acute hepatitis B showed single peaks with the highest incidence rate of 284. 12 and 38.59 per 100 000. For the people born after 1990,the rates presented a linear decrease. For the people born after 1985 ,the average annual growth rate of hepatitis B and acute hepatitis B increased faster than in the cohort born before 1985. Conclusion Although the control effect of hepatitis B vaccination and Children Hepatitis B Immunization Program is obvious, the prevalence of hepatitis B in Fujian province is increasing annually. It is necessary to amend the strategy for hepatitis B prevention and control in Fujian province.
Chinese Journal of Public Health