
小流域生态环境建设的初步研究——以云南东川陶家小河流域为例 被引量:8

Preliminary Research and Analysis of Ecological Environment Construction in the Small River Basin——A Case Study in Taojia Small River,Yunnan Province
摘要 对小流域生态环境建设的研究,不仅可以提高当地生态环境对自然灾害的抵御能力,还能够发展经济提高当地人民群众的生活水平。以云南东川陶家小河为例,通过调查走访及运用"3S"技术对该流域进行了全面综合的调查,获取了植被资源、土地资源等生态资源详细资料及数据,并对数据进行分析及处理。结果表明:由于陶家小河流域内森林植被的破坏以及陡坡垦殖和水渠渗漏的原因,导致了流域内多处良田和林地被泥沙石块淤埋,从中上游分布大片森林植被到目前森林覆盖率仅为15.5%,形成了"生态破坏—水土流失—农田减少—贫困—陡坡垦殖—生态破坏"的恶性循环。在流域基本生态背景的基础上,提出了种植水土保持林、果树林以及封禁治理等6条生态恢复建议,以期为恢复流域生态环境和实现流域内生态环境可持续发展提供支撑。 Research on construction of ecological environment in the small river basin will not only improve the local ecological environment resistance to natural disasters, but also develop the economy and improve the living standards of local people. Taojia basin was taken as an example, through investigation and using 3S technology,a comprehensive investigation in this basin was carried out. We have obtained the detailed infor- mation and data of ecological resources in the Taojia basin, including vegetation resources and land re- sources, and then we have analyzed and processed the information and data. The results show that some good fields and forest lands were buried by sediment and rocks in the river basin because of the destruction of for- est, reclamation on steep slopes and canal leakage in Taojia small river basin. Coverage of forest and vegeta- tion in the upper and middle reaches to only 15.5 percent of the forest coverage now, these changes show a vicious circle of ecological damage-soil erosion and water loss-field decrease-poverty-reclamation on steep slopes-ecological damage. Based on the analysis of the basic ecological background in the river basin, we pro- posed some suggestions on ecological restoration such as planting soil and water conservation forest, or- chard, closing hillside, and so on, in order to provide support for the restoration and the sustainable develop- ment of ecological environment in the river basin.
出处 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期256-259,共4页 Research of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家科技支撑计划"金沙江下游库区小流域生态修复及滑坡泥石流产沙调控技术与示范"(2012BAC06B02-02)
关键词 云南东川 小流域 生态资源 水土流失 可持续发展 Dongchuan of Yunnan Province river basin ecological resources soil and water loss sustainable devel-opment
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