

Analysis of Power Quality and Voltage Fluctuation Rate in the Distributed Power Radial System
摘要 大量的分布式电源接在中压或低压配电网上运行,将彻底改变传统配电系统单向潮流的特点,势必要求系统使用新的保护配置方案、监控系统和仪表。通过高级自动化系统把这些分布式电源集成到现有电网中来,将为社会带来巨大的效益。 A large number of distributed generation ran on in the medium voltage or low voltage distribution power grid, it will completely change the characteristics of the one-way trend of the traditional distribution system, the system will require to use the new protection scheme, monitoring systems and instrumentation. Through advanced automation system to integrated the distributed generation into existing power grid, it will bring huge benefits to society.
作者 高兰恩
出处 《科技视界》 2015年第2期230-230,共1页 Science & Technology Vision
关键词 电源辐射状 电能质量 波动率 Volatility Power quality Power radiating
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