

Optimal Spectrum Allocation and Pricing for Two-tiered Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
摘要 针对异频组网的双层分级蜂窝网,提出了一种基于纳什谈判解法的最优频谱分配与定价策略,该策略能激励家庭基站采用开放用户组模式,最大化频谱效益。通过Stackelberg博弈建模,分析了频谱定价与用户需求的关系。通过纳什谈判解法,获得了最佳的频谱分配与定价策略,按需地为宏基站与家庭基站分配了带宽资源,定量地分析了家庭基站所提高的频谱效益。仿真结果表明,该策略相比非合作博弈方法,可有效提高运营商以及家庭基站拥有者所能获得的频谱效益,部署家庭基站将提高蜂窝网络的总效益。 Femtocells can effectively improve the coverage of indoor cellular users. This paper investigates the incentive for the holders of femtocell base stations to add femtocell service and achieve open subscriber group,and discusses the optimal spectrum allocation between macrocell and femtocells. The interactions between base stations and users are formulated by a Stackelberg game: The base stations first determine spectrum allocations and pricings of femtocell and macrocell services,and then heterogeneous users choose between the two services and the amount of resource to request. The relationship between the spectrum price and users' demand is analyzed. The optimal strategy of spectrum allocating and pricing for base stations is proposed based on Nash bargaining solution. The strategy can reasonably allocate spectrum between macrocell and femtocell according to their demands and quantitatively measure spectrum utility improve by femtocell. Meanwhile,the proposed strategy maximizes the profits of both the operator and the holders of femtocell base stations. The simulation results show that the proposed method brings more gains for both operators and the owners of femtocell base stations than the noncooperative method. Deployments of femtocell base stations dramatically improve the utilities of the operator.
作者 周雄 冯穗力
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1257-1262,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61340035) 广州市科技计划项目(2014J4100246)
关键词 双层分级蜂窝网 STACKELBERG博弈 纳什谈判解法 two-tiered hierarchical cell network Stackelberg game Nash bargaining
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