
物理层安全约束下的AF双向中继系统波束赋形和人工干扰联合设计 被引量:1

Joint Design of Cooperative Beamforming and Jamming for Physical Layer Security Improvement in AF-based Two-Way Relay Networks
摘要 波束赋形和人工干扰是现有研究中最为常见的两种物理层安全增强技术,本文针对AF(放大转发)双向中继模型,探讨了两者的联合设计问题。在已知理想信道状态信息的条件下,本文提出了一种波束赋形和人工干扰的混合协同传输方案,推导了总功率受限条件下的和安全速率,通过两步迭代搜索算法得到了其最佳联合方案,并与一种低复杂度的次佳联合方案进行比较。仿真结果验证了所得联合方案优于次佳联合方案,并进一步改善了AF双向中继系统的安全性能。 Cooperative beamforming and jamming are two common techniques to enhance the Physical-layer security of a wireless transmission,in this paper,we study the problem that joint design of cooperative beamforming and jamming for secrecy rate improvement in AF(Amplify-and-Forward)-based two-way relay networks. Under the assumption that the full CSI is obtained,we propose a joint scheme that the relay not only adopt distributed beamforming but also jam the eavesdroppers. Then we compute the sum secrecy rate with the total power constraint. A two-step iterative algorithm is proposed to search the optimal cooperative scheme which can maximize the sum secrecy rate of the networks,and we compare it with a suboptimal cooperative scheme with low complexity. Simulations show that the proposed scheme searched by two-step approach is superior to suboptimal cooperative scheme in enhancing the security of the AF-based two-way relay networks.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1286-1291,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(61371122 61301162) 中国博士后科学基金(2013T60912)资助项目
关键词 物理层安全 双向中继系统 波束赋形和人工干扰 和安全容量 physical layer security two-way relay networks beamforming and jamming sum secrecy rate
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