
贾科诺夫的新社会阶段论 被引量:1

Diakonoff's Theory of Social Evolution
摘要 苏俄学者贾科诺夫(И'горьМиха'йловичДья'конов,1915—1999)在《历史的路径》一书中以技术水平和社会心理为依据,将人类迄今以来的发展史划分为八个阶段,包括原始社会阶段、原始共同体阶段、早期古典时期、帝国古典时期、中世纪、中世纪之后稳定的绝对主义时期、以及资本主义和后资本主义阶段。作为在国际学术界有重要影响的语言学家和历史学家,贾科诺夫的新社会阶段论值得认真对待。但需要注意的是,贾科诺夫的新社会阶段论在对具体历史进程的解释方面并不尽如人意,例如就萨尔贡帝国而言,贾科诺夫至少在表述上暗晦不明。不过也正是在这里,一种以帝国而非国家为核心概念的早期社会发展阶段论展现出其理论可能性。 In his last major monograph The Paths of History, the late Russian historical linguist and world historian Igor M. Diakonoff (1915--1999) ventured to divide the entire human evolution into eight phases based on his combined criteria of the level of technology and the state of the socio psychological processes, thus providing a renewed Marxist theory of general social evolution. Nevertheless, Diakonoff's theory appears unconvincing with its interpretation of early empires such as the Sargonic Empire. A careful evaluation of Diakonoff's view towards early empires leads to a different but plausible theoretical reformulation of social evolution by taking the concept of Empire instead of State to its core.
作者 王献华
出处 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期87-93,102,共8页 Journal of Historiography
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"阿卡德王朝的中央官制研究"(项目号:11YJC770061)阶段性成果
关键词 贾科诺夫 《历史的路径》 社会阶段论 帝国 国家 Igor M. Diakonoff The Paths of History Social Evolution Empire State
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  • 3Foster, B. R. , " Shuruppak and the Sumerian City State", in L. Kogan, N. Koslova, S.V. Loesov and S. Tishchenko, Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff ( Winona Lake : Eisenbrauns, 2005 ) , p 71.
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  • 5Diakonoff, I. M., ed. Early Antiquity ,Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1991.
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  • 8Dandamaev, M.A. , M.T. Larsen and J.N. Postgate, eds. , Societies and Languages of the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honor of 1. M. Diakonoff ( Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1982 ).
  • 9Bender, L.M. and G. Taktcs, eds. , Selected Comparative-Historical Afrasian Linguistic Studies in Memory of Igor M. Diakonoff ( Munich : Lincom Europa, 2003 ).
  • 10Kogan, L. , N. Koslova, S.V. Loesov and S. Tishchenko, eds. , Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2005).










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