The graceful graph is a very important research topic in graph theory. Because of the lack of the general researching means, searching gracefulgraphs is still a research focus in this area. The graceful graph is also one of the most interesting research subjects in graph theory. Due to its interestingness and applicability, graceful graph has gained great importance since it has been put forward in 1960s. And it has been widely applied in radio astronomy, cryptography, communication network address, circuit design, missile control code design and some other fields. Graph Gn^p1 is a graph formed by n C4 which link each other with opposite vertex to form a circle. Graph Gn^p1 is another graph formed by n C4 which link each other with path P whose length is 1 instead of linking each other with opposite vertex as in graph Gin. Graph Gn^2 is a graph formed by n C4 which link each other with adjacent vertex to form a circle. Graph Gn^p2 is another graph formed by n C4 which link each other with path P whose length is 1 instead of linking two classes of graphs of Gn^p1 and Gn^p2 each other with adjacent vertex as in graph Gn^1. We discuss the gracefulness of , give the graceful labelings of these graphs and prove its gracefulness.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
graceful properties
graceful labelings
graceful graphs