榆紫叶甲(Ambrostoma quadriimpressum Motsch)是对榆树危害性最大的害虫。本试验选取了六种灭幼脲类的悬浮液或乳油,其中一类为抑食肼类农药,另一类为苦参碱和蔗糖酯,结果发现6%吡虫啉可溶液剂、5%除虫脲乳在低浓度下就可以起到极好的杀虫效果,其他几种药剂的杀虫效果也较为理想,但蔗糖酯作用不明显。同时通过对死亡个体生殖系统的组织形态学研究,发现六种灭幼脲类农药与20%米满悬浮剂对雄性样本的精子及雌性样本的卵子会有一定的抑制作用,或者使其形态发生萎缩变化,而其它药剂作用不明显。
Ambrostoma quadriimpressum Motsch is destructive vermin to elm in China. This experiment choosed 6 kinds of Mie youniao , one kind of curb food hydrazine pesticide, one kind of Kushen alkali and cane sugar ester, we do stomach - toxicity effect experiment to Ambrostoma quadriimpressum Motsch in each medicaments with 3 different consisten- cies. according to the contrast of the effect of each medicaments with different consistencies, the effect of 6% Bi chonglin and5% Chu chongniao in low consisteny is bery good. and should be recommanded to be used in daily work. the effect of the other kinds of medicaments is good comparatively either, sucrose ester is excluded, further more, we do the morphologic dissection experiment to the dead one, to confirm the best spray time of medicament through the observation of the change of procreation organ, finally, we draw the conclusion that Mie youniao pesticide, Miman and Bi chonglin pesticide will re- strain the construction of the semen of male and the ovum of female, or will make their shape atrophied by analysizing the slice photo of procreation organ, and the other medicament have no obviously effect.
Forest Investigation Design
Ambrostoma quadriimpressum Motsch
Mie youniao
experimentation of stomach - toxicity enital system