
基于MMEM-ISM方法的机场外来物风险影响因素分析 被引量:8

Analysis of the airport foreign object damage risk influencing factors based on MMEMISM method
摘要 为有效预防和控制机场外来物(FOD)危害,依据MMEM风险辨识方法,从人、物、环境、管理四方面对FOD的风险影响因素进行分析,建立FOD风险影响因素体系。运用解释结构模型ISM方法,通过风险因素两两对比建立风险因素之间的相邻矩阵,然后生成可达矩阵并划分风险因素层级,最终形成6级多层递阶解释结构模型。通过分析FOD风险影响因素结构模型,得到了FOD风险的表层直接影响因素、中间层间接影响因素和深层影响因素。结果表明,多层递阶解释结构模型可以直观反映各风险因素之间的因果和层次关系。 This paper is aimed to find effective ways to prevent and control the hazards of foreign objects damage (FOD) to the airport safety control. First of all, our analysis goes on the influential factors of the airport FOD risk based on the risk identification method of MMEM ( men/machine/environment/management ). Statistically speaking, we have found there are 19 factors that can be categorized as such objects from the point of view of the human being activities, the machine and equipment operation, and the environment and the management. Then, we have made a summary of the system of fac- tors involving such damages. In order to determine the cause-effect relation between the risk factors, we have chosen the method of the interpretative structure model (1SM) . First of all, we have built up an adjacent matrix by comparing the risk-influential factors for FOD. Then we have built up a reachability matrix through the formula- derivational computation, and the hierarchical levels of the risk-prone factors are divided. And, finally, we have worked out a six-layer in- terpretative structure model, thus obtaining a direct surface, middle- level indirect and in-depth fundamental level risk-leading factors for FOD. The model suggests that in order to reduce such risks, the air- port has to improve the following four aspects. First, the managers should enhance FOD prevention management; Secondly, build a FOD prevention department; Thirdly, continue education and training of FOD-involved knowledge and skills, and enhance the number of mar- shals and introduction into more advanced equipment and facilities for exploring FOD; Fourthly, establish necessary warning signs for FOD and setting proper rules and regulations for FOD control. The results of our efforts show that a multilayer hierarchical structure model can properly reflect the cause-effect hierarchical relations of the risk factors, which is of instructive significance for establishing the FOD risk assessment system and developing proper preventive measures.
作者 杜红兵 吴军
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期8-11,共4页 Journal of Safety and Environment
关键词 安全工程 机场外来物(FOD) 解释结构模型 风险影响因素 可达矩阵 safety engineering foreign object debris (FOD) inter- pretative structure model risk influencing factor reaehability matrix
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