
低冲击开发模式基础措施性能研究现状及进展 被引量:2

Situation and progress in the low-impact development of basic measures for performance
摘要 介绍了低冲击开发模式(Low Impact Development,LID)主要基础措施的结构及处理流程、机理,结合国内外研究成果,重点介绍其径流衰减、水质净化性能及主要影响因素,同时总结相关研究数据并进行分析。结果表明:LID基础措施的径流衰减效果显著,尤以生物滞留池效果最佳;在水质净化方面,相对于绿色屋顶而言,生物滞留池、透水路面效果更佳且更稳定,但3种基础措施对氮、磷污染物去除效果并不总是理想的;介质的种类及组成是影响性能的最主要因素,其次是植物种类及铺装材料。此外,简要介绍了目前LID基础措施的性能评价模型。最后对LID基础措施性能及其评价方面的研究进行了展望。 This paper is to present a research review and its own work on the technology of Low Impact Development (LID), particularly, in the runoff attenuation and water purification. For this purpose, we have first of all made a brief introduction to the basic concepts and structures of major LID measures, the mechanisms of the runoff attenuation and the water purification approaches on the basis of our study on the domestic and international research achievements in this way. In so doing, we mainly focused on the introduction of their runoff attenuation and water purification implementation performance and the influential factors along with a brief summary of the data and information concerned. As to the runoff attenuation, we have made a general summary on the criteria for the evaluation on the efficiency of the runoff attenuation. This is followed by illustrating a few examples for all the basic measures. In order to describe the situation of the runoff attenuation more accurately and concisely, some more research information and success are listed in a table form. Comparing the information of different basic measures makes us believe that, though all the LID basic measures can be made to work perfectly in the runoff attenuation technology, bioretention should be taken as the best or the optimistic one, or the most effective one. And, the next one is water purification. In addition, our test shows that bioretention and permeable pavements behave still better than the green roof, though their removing rates of water pollutants vary to some extent. However, further research is needed as to the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus. Besides, we have also studied the influential factors of the performance of the technologies concerned, including the design condition, local hydrology and climate conditions and service life. Among them, media used for runoff attenuation and water purification can be regarded as the chief influential factor of the technical performance. Properly regulated and installed, it would be possible to make all the measures above mentioned functioning successfully even in winter days. In addition, a brief introduction of the performance evaluation models is presented. But the models are incomplete to evaluate their performance comprehensively. Efforts should be made to perfect them. Last of all, it has to point out that more efforts are needed be- fore the above said technology fully display their tremendous potentiality.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期320-325,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07203-002-005)
关键词 环境工程学 低冲击开发 径流衰减 水质净化 影响因素 评价模型 environmental engineering low impact development runoff attenuation water purification influence factor evaluation model
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