模糊C均值(fuzzy C-mean,FCM)聚类算法具有良好的抗噪声性能,但FCM是一种局部搜索算法,易陷入局部最优,而遗传算法则具有全局优化搜索的优点。基于此该文提出了一种改进的FCM算法与遗传算法结合的聚类方法,先运用遗传算法得到聚类中心,然后用改进的FCM聚类算法得到最优解。并基于真实采集的道路谱数据,利用该算法对路面不平度进行识别。试验结果表明,改进的FCM算法与遗传算法结合的聚类算法路面识别率为94.54%,比FCM聚类算法高出4.98个百分点,比改进FCM算法高出4.67个百分点,具有更好的处理噪声数据的能力,提高了聚类的准确率和路面的识别率。
With the development of Chinese economy and the increasing instruction of highway, road detection and identification has become the focus for infrastructure, thus the requirements of the road roughness detection accuracy are also urgent. In road recognition cases, due to different road load spectrum has obvious clustering features, it is feasible for road recognition by using clustering analysis method. However, clustering result is sensitive to the initial center, and often cannot achieve the result of the global optimal. FCM (fuzzy C-mean) clustering algorithm and improved FCM algorithm were used to measure the effect of clustering by using deterministic objective function, the existence of the local minimum points of the objective function made clustering result sensitive to the initial center. So FCM algorithm and improved FCM algorithm both have shortcomings and cannot solve the problem that the effect of clustering is bad when sample contains noise. In this paper a new method of improved FCM clustering algorithm combined with genetic algorithm was proposed. The method mainly included the following four steps: Firstly, genetic algorithm was adopted to get the clustering center. Secondly, improved FCM clustering algorithm was used to get the optimal solution. Thirdly, the prominent IRIS data was used to validate its effectiveness. Lastly, improved FCM algorithm combined with genetic algorithm was applied to the real road surface spectrum data for the identification of pavement in the project. IRIS data were used to verify the clustering performance of fuzzy kernel clustering algorithm in this paper. It confirmed that improved FCM algorithm effectively solved the problem of the bad effects of clustering when the sample contained much noise and improved the effectiveness of clustering. In proposed method, a non Euclidean distance was used to replace the Euclidean distance of FCM algorithm in order to reduce the influence of noise, and improved FCM algorithm was combined with genetic algorithm so as to avoid the problem that FCM algorithm and its improved algorithm were sensitive to initial value and easy to fall into local optimal solution. The method had the following advantages:on the one hand it can distinguish, extract and amplify useful features effectively;on the other hand it was clustered in the feature space so as to get a better classification result. Experimental results showed that the membership degree of improved FCM algorithm was more reasonable than original FCM algorithm, and it also showed that the improved FCM algorithm combined with genetic algorithm had a better ability to deal with noise data and was much better performance than improved FCM algorithm and original FCM algorithm, the accuracy of classification was improved. The road recognition rate of the improved clustering algorithm was up to 94.54%, which was 4.98 percent points higher than FCM algorithm, 4.67 percent points higher than improved FCM algorithm. It can be seen from the above data that the new clustering algorithm greatly improves the accuracy of clustering and the road recognition rate. The new algorithm can be effectively applied to road classification.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
clustering algorithms
genetic algorithms
fuzzy control
road engineering
road roughness recognition
fuzzy C-means