燃料油和原油是海洋环境中石油污染的主要类型,其对海洋生物的毒性作用是评价海洋环境质量的基础,为了解两种石油污染在同一环境条件下对同一海洋生物的毒性差异,研究了0#柴油和原油水溶性成分(Water accommodated fraction,WAF)对黑鲷(Sparus macrocephlus)肝脏7-乙氧基异吩噁唑酮-脱乙基酶(EROD)活性及细胞色素P4501A1(CYP1A1)m RNA表达量的影响.结果显示,在富集阶段(15 d),第1天0#柴油和原油WAF 0.06 mg/L和0.03 mg/L实验组肝脏的EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA表达量均显著增加(P<0.05),随后0#柴油和原油WAF两个浓度实验组肝脏的EROD活性均继续上升,分别在第5天、第10天达到峰值,随后下降;0#柴油WAF两个浓度实验组肝脏的CYP1A1 m RNA表达量在第1天后即开始下降,原油WAF两个浓度实验组肝脏的CYP1A1 m RNA表达量在第5天达到峰值后开始下降.在释放阶段(10 d)结束后,除了原油WAF 0.03 mg/L实验组外,0#柴油WAF的两个浓度实验组和原油WAF 0.06 mg/L实验组肝脏的EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA表达量均仍然显著高于对照组水平(P<0.05).本研究表明,两种石油污染物WAF对黑鲷肝脏的EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA诱导存在差异,0#柴油WAF实验组EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA表达量均高于原油WAF实验组,且0#柴油WAF实验组EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA表达量下降时间早于原油实验组,原油实验条件下黑鲷肝脏的EROD活性、CYP1A1 m RNA表达量的恢复能力高于0#柴油.
Fuel oil and crude oil are the main oil pollutants in the marine environment, whose toxicity to marine organisms needs to be understood for evaluating the damage of oil spill to the marine environment. This research aimed to compare and analyze the toxicity differences between fuel oil and crude oil. The responses of EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression in liver of Sparus macrocephlus to exposure and elimination of No.0 fuel oil and Pinghu crude oil water accommodated fraction (WAF) were detected in the exposure period (15 days) and elimination period (10 days). The outcomes showed that the EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression were significantly induced by No.0 fuel oil and Pinghu crude oil WAF in the first day (P 〈 0.05) with a direct correlation with the concentration of the WAF; after that the EROD activities continued to rise until peaking on the 5!h day for No.0 fuel oil and the 10th day for Pinghu crude oil. The CYP1A1 mRNA expression declined on the first day of No.0 fuel oil WAF exposure, but only after peaking on the 5th day under Pinghu crude oil WAF exposure. At the conclusion of the exposure period, the EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression were both higher in No.0 fuel oil and Pinghu crude oil WAF exposure than the control group (P 〈 0.05). After the elimination period, the EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression in the liver of S. macrocephlus were still higher in No.0 fuel oil and Pinghu crude oil WAF exposure groups than the control, except for the 0.03 mg/L experiments group of Pinghu crude oil WAF (P 〉 0.05). The results showed significant differences in EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression under No.0 fuel oil and Pinghu crude oil WAF exposure, with the declining of EROD activities and CYP1A1 mRNA expression earlier induced by No.0 fuel oil WAF than by Pinghu crude oil WAF. The recovery ability seems to be higher under Pinghu crude oil WAF experimental conditions than under No.0 fuel oil WAF experimental conditions.
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology