
服务型企业员工主动行为的类型识别与验证 被引量:7

The Construct and Measurement of Employees' Proactive Behavior in the Service-Oriented Enterprises
摘要 本文综合运用扎根理论与德尔菲法,通过对访谈资料进行归纳与提炼,明确了服务型企业员工主动行为的类型组成,并在此基础上编制了一套包括28个题目的测量工具。本研究表明我国服务型企业员工在工作过程中表现出的主动行为主要包括五种类型,即积极服务行为、建言行为、议题营销、积极问题解决行为以及问题与机会搜寻行为。研究可为服务型企业员工主动行为的激发机制研究奠定基础。 Based on the grounded theory and Delphi method, this research defines the structure model of employees' proactive behavior in the service-oriented enterprises by analyzing the interviews of staff, making the scale and verifying the qualitative results. The results show that there are five kinds of the employees' proaetive behaviors including proactive service behavior, voice behavior, issue selling, problem prevention and problem and opportunities seeking behavior. This research also becomes the base for exploring the stimulating mechanisms of employees' proactive behavior in the future.
作者 苏磊
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2015年第1期57-66,共10页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 天津市高等学校人文社会科学研究项目"员工主动行为的激发机制与影响效果研究"(20142144) 天津市创新团队"企业网络组织演化与治理"(TD12-5051)资助
关键词 主动行为 行为类型 扎根理论 德尔菲法 Proactive Behavior Behavioral Classification Grounded Theory Delphi Method
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