
当代身份认同中的档案价值 被引量:104

The Value of Archives in Modern Identity
摘要 身份认同在档案领域的主要议题是,档案对于公民身份认同的独特影响以及档案工作者的职业身份认同。集体记忆是连接档案和身份认同的纽带,档案通过参与建构与强化集体记忆来实现身份认同。为确保档案在公民身份认同中提供充分的合法性依据,需要构建具有广泛社会覆盖的档案体系,维护档案的证据价值和知识价值,确保公民利用档案的权利,特别是要对边缘群体给予充分的档案政策支持。社会转型和技术进步导致档案工作者职业认同新诉求,需要在融入社会、扩展职能、角色调整中获取新的价值认知。 There are two key issues of identity in archival field, the first is the special influence of ar- chives on citizenship identity and the other is the occupational identity of archives workers. Collective memory establishes a bond between archives and identity, and the value of archives in identity is real- ized through the role archives play in building, reconstructing and strengthening collective memory. To make sure that archives can provide sufficient legal evidences for citizenship identity, a system of ar- chives needs to be established to cover a wide range of society, to maintain the evidential and knowl- edge value of archives, to ensure that the rights of citizens in using archives, and to give enough policy support of marginalized groups. Social transformation and technological advances have also led to new demands for archivists~ professional identity, and the need for archivists to integrate into society, to expand their functions and roles, and to acquire new cognition of values and senses of belonging during this process.
作者 冯惠玲
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期97-103,共7页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 北京市教委共建项目“社会转型与媒体转换期集体记忆构建研究”的研究成果之一
关键词 身份认同 集体记忆 档案价值 identity collective memory archives
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