目的观察HoffmannⅡ金属外固定架治疗胫腓骨开放性骨折的疗效。方法选择40例胫腓骨开放性骨折患者,均在C臂X线机辅助下使用HoffmannⅡ金属外固定架复位、固定,随访12个月,观察其疗效及并发症发生率。结果 40例患者中,27例(67.5%)正常愈合,11例(27.5%)延迟愈合,2例(5.0%)未愈合;术后出现针道固定针松动11例(27.5%),针道感染8例(20%),无菌性炎症7例(17.5%),1例(2.5%)发生骨感染,1例(2.5%)膝关节屈伸轻微异常。结论 HoffmannⅡ金属外固定架治疗胫腓骨开放性骨折具有一定优势,疗效确切,但仍有并发症出现,应注意防治,避免不良后果。
Objective To observe the effect and complications of Hoffmann Ⅱ metal external fixator in the treatment of open fractures of tibia and fibula. Methods 40 patients with open fractures of fibula received fracture reduction and fixation with HoffmannⅡmetal exter-nal fixing frame by C arm X-ray machine,who were followed up for 12 months,and the efficacy and the incidence rate were observed. Results Among the 40 cases,27 cases (67. 5%) were recovered,11 cases(27. 5%) were delayed healing,2 cases(5%) did not heal. 11 cases (27. 5%) with the pin loosening,8 cases (20%) with pin tract infection,7 cases (17. 5%) with the pin tract aseptic,1 cases (2. 5%) with infection of bone,1 cases (2. 5%) with knee flexion and extension slight abnormality. Conclusion Hoffmann Ⅱ metal external fixator in the treatment of open fractures of tibia and fibula has certain advantages,and the curative effect is exact,but there are still complications,we should pay attention to prevention to avoid adverse consequences.
Journal of Regional Anatomy and Operative Surgery