波澜壮阔的现代人类物种史诗,迷雾重重的五千年生命演进中,逸散着千年的生命再生之梦,流转着无数探寻生命线索的过往。在这条横贯了50个世纪的生命链条上,在这段穿越了五千年的人类文明史中,那些创世之初遗留的生命之谜,生命的生、生命的延续、生命的繁衍、生命的疾病、生命的衰老与死亡,在演进中一点点被揭开,人类从被动短暂的生命过往过渡到医学时代,再从庞杂纷乱的生物学研发时代,进人生命科学时代。今天,徐荣祥在再生生命科学领域缔造了首批"再生人",并宣称能够再生生命。困扰人类数千年的难题是否有了不一样的突破,生命再生的奇迹是否真的出现?徐荣祥,烧伤及烧伤外科专家,美国人道主义奖第六位获得者,唯一一位外国人获得者,中国首届青年科技创业奖获得者,中国国务院1991年授予其有突出贡献的科学家,人体再生复原科学的创始人,2013年美国国策中提到的"损伤器官再生科学"的发明专利权人,"GOLDEN BIATEC"国际奖获得者。这位曾被称为"中国最具争议的科学家"不仅备受世界关注,而且引发了一场浩浩荡荡的世界生命科学之争。本刊特与徐荣祥对话,详细解读徐荣祥本人和他的人体再生复原科学,关于再生科学的起源、发展及规划,关于他的心路、成长与期望,关于他的再生生命启动计划及经济发展计划,当然,也关于那些质疑、争议与纷争。
The dream of regeneration of life has been active through the time of magnificent epic of modern human species and through the five thousand years dense fog in the evolution of life, which was filled with numerous explorations of clues to lives. Along with the chain of life crossing 50 centuries during the five-thousand-year history of human civi?lization, the mysteries of life left at the beginning of the world?life’ s origin, extension, reproduction, disease, aging and death have been disclosed gradually in the evolution of human beings, which transferred from a past era of short passive life to the time of medicine, and then passed the period of complex and chaotic biological research and entered the era of the life science. Today, Rongxiang Xu has created the first cohort of“Regenerative Human” in the field of regenerative life science and declared that life can be regenerated. Has the problem plaguing mankind for thousands of years got unique break?through?Is the miracle of life regeneration really occurring?Rongxiang Xu, is an expert in burns and burn surgery, the sixth winner and the only foreign winner of the United States Humanitarian Awards, China’ s first Youth Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Award winner, outstanding scientist of great contribution awarded by China’s State Council in 1991, founder of human body regenerative restoration science ( HBRRS) , patentee and inventor of the science of“regenerating damaged organs” presented in 2013 United States national policy, GOLD BIATEC international award winner. This scientist, once called“China’ s most controversial scientist”, not only draws much attention all around the world, but brings about a huge controversy in the world of life science. The present journal hereby had an interview with Rongxiang Xu to interpret himself and his human body regenerative restoration science, regarding the origin, development and planning of regenerative science, regarding his thoughts, growth and expectations, regarding his plan of initiating regenerative life and plan of economic development, and also regarding those doubt, controversy and disputes.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers
Rongxiang XU Regenerative human HBRRS Regenerative rejuvenation Regenerative life