
难以容身:女同性恋文论中国行 被引量:2

A hard time:Lesbian literary criticism in China
摘要 女同性恋文论是当代西方文论中一股活跃而激进的力量,它从女权主义文论中孕育、发展并分化出来,最终融入"怪异恋"文论。女同性恋文论实质上是借文学而谈性别政治,其主要理论架构依托于女同性恋社会政治运动的主要框架,忽视文学内部规律研究,难以吸引国内学界的目光。在中国本土文化语境中,同性恋不能允许,异性恋也长期饱受压抑,中国文论传统的价值支点是忠君爱国,女同性恋文论反对异性恋的性政治价值取向,很难与之对接。女同性恋文论在中国备受冷遇的境遇,凸现了中国文论在面对西方文论挑战时的主体性与选择性。研究在中国不受欢迎的西方文论,对于还原中西文论双向互动的丰富性和真实性,推动未来中西文论关系健康发展,具有特殊的重要意义。 Lesbian literary criticism is gaining momentum in contemporary Western literary criti-cism.It has derived from feminist literary criticism and merged into queer studies.Lesbian literary criticism discusses gender politics in literature.Its main theoretical framework is based on lesbian-re-lated social and political movements.Because it somewhat neglects the internal law of literature,it has not received much concern from Chinese scholars.In the context of Chinese culture,homosexuali-ty is not permitted,and heterosexuality has also met some obstacles.The traditional Chinese literary theory emphasizes patriotism and loyalty to the throne.Lesbian literary criticism does not follow the value orientation of gender politics derived from heterosexuality.Lesbian literary criticism has often been neglected in China,which shows the subjectivity and selectivity of Chinese literary criticism as well as its conflicts with western literary criticism.Thus,the study of some Western literary theories which are unpopular in China has much significance to the promotion of the interaction between Chi-nese literary criticism and Western literary criticism.
作者 代迅
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期134-142,共9页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"二十世纪域外文论的本土化研究"(12&ZD166) 国家社会科学基金项目"中国美学西化问题研究"(09BZW006)的阶段性成果
关键词 女同性恋文论 中国 理论旅行 主体性 lesbian literary criticism China traveling theory subjectivity
  • 相关文献


  • 1Jonathan Culler. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction [M] Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1997 : 42.
  • 2Jonathan Culler. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction[M]. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1997 : 43.
  • 3Bonnie Zimmerman, What has never been.-an overview of lesbian feminist criticism[J]. Feminist Studies,Au- tumn, 1981.
  • 4http://en, wikipedia, org/wiki/Compulsory_Heterosexuality_and_Lesbian_Existence.
  • 5Peter Barry. Beginning Theory:An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory[M]. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2009 : 136- 137.
  • 6Wilfred L. Guerin,et al. A handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature[M]. New York:Oxford University Press, 1992 .. 211.
  • 7Michael Groden,et al,eds. Contemporary literary and Cultural Theory[M]. the Johns Hopkins Guide,Balti- more.-The John Hopkins University, 2012.. 422.
  • 8Anne Koedt et al eds. ,Radical Feminism[M]. New York:Quadrangle Books,1973..243.
  • 9See Peter Barry, Beginning Theory:An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory[M]. Manchester and New York:Manchester University Press,2009135.
  • 10http=//era wikipedia, org/wiki/Ain't I a Woman% 3F_(book).











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