
奥巴马第二任期美国对台政策的调整及影响 被引量:2

The Adjustments and Impacts of U.S. Policy toward Taiwan in Obama's Second Term
摘要 奥巴马第二任期基本上延续了第一任期内的对台政策,同时采取了一些新的措施,即在遵循美台非官方关系基本框架、确保避免冲击中美关系的前提下,给予台湾政治、军事、外交等方面的支持以稳固和发展美台关系,突出台湾在美国亚太"再平衡"战略中的重要作用,积极谋求对台湾问题的更多主动权。从近期来看,奥巴马政府对台政策调整仍在一定程度上维护了中美关系的大局、促进了两岸关系的发展,保障了东亚地区的安全稳定;但从长远来看,这些政策调整却蕴含着很多潜在的隐患和不确定性。 The Obama Administration has taken some new measures in its second term on the basis of the Taiwan policy carried out in its first term. At present,under the premise of working within the US-Taiwan unofficial framework and avoiding unintended impact on U. S.-China relations,the Obama Administration gives supports to Taiwan in political,military,diplomatic and other aspects in order to develop US-Taiwan relations,stress Taiwan's crucial role in the U. S. rebalance to Asia,and seek more initiative on the Taiwan Question. In the short term, the Obama Administration's Taiwan policy would contribute to maintaining U. S.-China relations,improving the cross-strait relations and safeguarding the stability in East Asia. But,in the long run,those adjustments still contain a lot of potential risks and uncertainties.
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期101-117,8,共17页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
基金 2013年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"国际体系转型背景下美国对台政策研究"(13LZUJBWYJ012)的阶段成果~~
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  • 6Nancy Tucker and Bonnie Giaser, "" Should the United States Abandon Taiwan? "The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 4, June 2011, pp. 23 - 37.
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