

Placebo Effect Perplexes Philosophy
摘要 既没有针对性,也没有生物学证据的惰性医疗措施,产生了可被接受的治疗效果,这就是安慰剂效应。它将被推测为,虚假的或模拟的惰性治疗过程首先使患者产生了一个心理过程;这个心理过程支配患者再产生了一个内生的物质过程,以应答患者的心理期待,而产生出来的。在身心关系问题上,安慰剂效应仿佛支持艾克尔斯先生提出的心元假说;在因果关系问题上,它支持主观自生的因果观念;就道德哲学来说,安慰剂效应迫使我们反思治疗虚无主义,善意的谎言,安慰剂治疗能否用于临床等哲学问题。 It is called placebo effect for the acceptable curative effects that come from some inertial therapeutic measures with non-special purpose and without biological evidence. A suppositious processes will be given as some false or imitated inertial therapeutic processes might make the patient some mental processes at first, then it dominates some inner material processes in his/her body to respond the mental desires, if the two processes would meet properly, the placebo effects would be produced at the end. In the philosophy of psychosomaticality, placebo effects supports Mr. John Carew Eccles' psychon theory. In the philosophy of causality, the effects seem to support the causative ideas of subjective autogenous. In a moral phi- losophy, therapeutic nihilism, a kind lying, especially, whether placebo therapy could be used as a real clinic practice or not, need more ethic rethink and evaluation.
作者 张功耀
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期59-64,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 安慰剂效应 哲学 困惑 placebo effect philosophy perplex
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