

The Research on Thoughts of the Moving of Atoms in On the Nature of Things
摘要 原子论是西方科技文化的重要核心思想。原子论与牛顿质点动力学有内在的一致性。而20世纪量子力学大师玻恩认为他处于收获古希腊原子论果实的时代。《物性论》是古罗马时代传承古希腊原子论最重要的也是唯一的诗歌体经典文献,它更是后世可见的古希腊-罗马时代以原子论对几乎一切现象做系统全面的唯物阐释的唯一巨著。《物性论》作者卢克莱修虽然不是原子论的提出者,但是在基于原子论阐释自然现象时,他创造性地奉献了很多超越时代的科学思想。在物理学方面,其中包括与统计物理学的基本假设等几率原理、各态历经假说相似的思想,甚至可以看到20世纪仍有物理学家难以接受的微观粒子运动具有不确定性的思想萌芽,等等。这些思想保证他能较为圆满诠释一切,并且非常难得地超越了决定论的宿命。 Atomistics is the center of west science and technology culture. Atomistics has inner consistency with Newton's particle dynamics and cor- puscular theory of light. Max Born, the master of quantum mechanics in 20th century guessed that the era when he lived was the harvest time of atomistics which was founded in ancient Greece. On the Nature of Things was the only important classical works to spread and inherit the atomistics of ancient Greece by the form of poetry. It was also the only great book which systematically explained nearlly all phenomenon by atomisties in an- cient Greece- Rome times. Lucretius, the author of On the Nature of Things, was not the presenter of atomistics, but when he explained natural phe- nomenon, he creatively contributed many scientific thought beyond his time. In the field of physics, he had the thought which was similar to the prin- ciple of equal probability, which was a basic assumptions in the statistical physics and er$odic hypothesis, even more uncertainty of moving micro- scopic particles which was hard to accept by some physicists in 20th century. These thoughts ensure him success on explainning all to the world, and could transcend the destiny of determinism.
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期75-80,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 2012年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(12YJA720009) 2013年国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(11375050)
关键词 卢克莱修 物性论 原子论 几率解释 Lucretius On the Nature of Things atomistics probability interpretation
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