
作为规制工具的成本收益分析——以美国的理论与实践为例 被引量:24

CBA Being as Regulation Tool: Taking the American Theory and Practice for Example
摘要 成本收益分析是美国行政法上一项行之有效的规制影响分析工具。在当代行政法中有效运用成本收益分析,不仅可以起到提高资源配置效率、优化行政规制的作用,而且还能提升现代行政的合法性。通过考察相关案例可以发现,美国司法审查对成本收益分析的态度是一个从否定到肯定的渐进过程,经历了从"如果国会法律没有明确规定,行政机关就不能使用",到"如果国会法律没有明确规定,行政机关可以不使用",再到"如果国会法律没有明确禁止,行政机关就能使用"的变化过程。成本与收益的计算可以通过市场评估法和非市场评估法予以确定。美国行政法上的成本收益分析在质疑与批判中不断发展完善。 The CBA is an effective tool of regulation inlfuence analysis in the American administrative law. In contemporary administrative law, the effective usage of it brings much, not only the improvement of resource allocation efficiency and the optimization of administrative regulation function, but also the enhancement of modern administrative legitimacy. By reviewing related cases, it is found that the attitude of CBA by the American judicial review transferred from negation to affirmation, i.e. from ‘without clear definition by the Congress, the administrative body should not use it’, to ‘without clear definition by the Congress, the administrative body can choose to use it or not’, then to ‘without clear prohibition by the Congress, the administrative body can use it’. The calculation of CBA can be carried out in ways of market evaluation method and non-market evaluation method. The CBA in the American administrative law develops constantly in questioning and criticism.
作者 刘权
出处 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期135-144,共10页 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW
关键词 成本收益分析 理性 规制 合法性 COST Beneift Analysis (CBA) Reason Regulation Legitimacy
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  • 1Flood Control Act of 1936, 33 USCS § 701a(1936).
  • 2River and Harbor Act of 1902, 32 Stat. 331,372(1902).
  • 3Matthew D. Adler, Eric A. Posner, Rethinking Cost-Benefit Analysis, 109 Yale L.J. 167-171,167 (1999).
  • 4Gerald R. Ford, Executive Order 11821: Inflation Impact Statements, 3CFR203, 3 (a)-(d)(1974).
  • 5Jimmy Carter, Executive Order 12044: Improving Government Regulation, 3CFR152, 1(1978).
  • 6Ronald Reagan, Executive Order 12291: Federal Regulation, 3CFR128, 2(a)-(e)(1981).
  • 7William J. Clinton, Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review, 3CFR638, 1b(1)-(12)(1993).
  • 8Barack Obama, Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, Federal Reister, Vol. 76, No14,3821(2011).
  • 9Barack Obama, Executive Order 13610: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, Identifying and Reducing Regulatory Burdens, Federal Register, Vol. 77, No. 93, 28469 (2012).
  • 10See William J. Clinton, Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review, 3CFR638, 3f(1)-(4)(1993).











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