
多环芳烃油指纹应用于船舶溢油鉴别研究 被引量:9

Oil fingerprinting of polyaromatic hydrocarbons applied to the identification study of oil spill from ship
摘要 溢油种类主要包括船舶燃料油和原油,二者性质的差异决定了鉴别方法也相应不同,寻求适合于船舶溢油的鉴别方法具有重要意义。在使用柱色谱层析方法对样品进行分离前处理的基础上,以气相色谱/质谱方法(GC-MS)为主要分析手段,对溢油样品和可疑船舶溢油源样品的多环芳烃油指纹特征进行对比,并在多环芳烃油指纹参数的基础上进一步进行多环芳烃内组成三角图分布特征与聚类分析研究,成功为珠江口水域某船舶溢油事故追踪到肇事溢油源。结果表明:取自丁船的油样和现场溢油样芳烃油指纹特征最为相近,是此次溢油事故的溢油源。受风化作用后的船舶燃料油中饱和烃类化合物数量稀少,且含量极低,不适合用于溢油鉴别,而多环芳烃类化合物较饱和烃类化合物而言具有含量高、种类丰富的特点,是该类溢油鉴别的主要油指纹依据。使用油指纹参数进行可疑溢油源识别时,充分考虑油品中有机分子所受风化影响程度的不同是风化条件下溢油鉴定的关键。因此,多环芳烃油指纹可以有效应用于船舶燃料油溢油的鉴别。 Differences in the nature of fuel oil and crude oil which are main oil types in marine oil spill determine the different identification methods,so it is significative to seek a suitable method for oil spill identification from the ship. The comparative oil fingerprinting characteristic analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons between the spilled oil samples and the suspected oils from ships had been carried on using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC/ MS) as a primary analysis method after the samples were separated by the column chromatography method,and the oil source was traced successfully in the oil spill from the ship took place in Pearl River estuary by inner component triangular diagram and cluster analysis based on aromatic hydrocarbon parameters. The results showed that the ar- omatic oil fingerprinting of the sample from the fourth ship was the most similar with the spilled oil sample, so the oil spill was caused by the fourth ship. The characteristic of aromatic compounds is the main evidence of these weathered oil spill identification because the aromatics were of higher levels and richer variety than saturated hydro- carbons. The key was that the different behavior performed by the organic molecules in oils after undergoing weathering should be fully considered when using oil fingerprinting parameters for the oil spill identification. So, the oil fingerprinting of polyaromatic hydrocarbons are effective for identification of oil spill from the ship.
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期91-102,共12页
基金 海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201105003)
关键词 多环芳烃 油指纹 船舶溢油 溢油鉴别 polyaromatic hydrocarbon oil fingerprinting oil spill from the ship identification of oil spill
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