
洪水风险图对鄞东南平原区域经济发展作用分析 被引量:3

An Analysis of Flood Risk Map's Role in Southeast Yin Plains' Regional Economic Development
摘要 我国东南地区由于受季风气候影响,每年汛期受洪涝灾害威胁较大,随着城镇化进程快速发展,人口和财产快速聚集,洪涝灾害损失也日趋增强,如何协调流域经济发展与洪涝灾害之间关系,是当前城镇化发展中亟待解决的一个重要问题。而借助洪水风险图开展洪灾风险评估,可在一定程度上避免经济发展下洪水危害损失,同时对区域经济持续发展中城镇建设和企业布局有着重要指导作用。为此以经济快速发展的鄞东南平原为例,根据不同洪水位重现期对村镇居民、农田和工商企业造成的损失情况,从宏观和微观两方面分析了洪水风险与城镇经济发展关系。研究表明:洪水风险图一方面能够有效地反映不同等级洪水下的淹没情况,从而指导该区域的防洪减灾工作;另一方面可优化产业布局,指导产业园区不同产业类型的高程选择,从而有效缩小洪涝损失,确保地区社会稳定。因此编制洪水风险图对区域经济持续健康稳定发展具有重要意义。 Due to the monsoon climate,southeast China is threatened by floods every flood season.With the rapid development of urbanization,population and property accumulate rapidly,and flood losses become increasingly enhanced.How to coordinate the relationship between basin development and flood disaster is an important problem to be solved in the current development of urbanization.With the help of flood risk maps assessing the flood risk,flood hazard losses can be avoided in economic development to some extent.Meanwhile,it can direct the urban construction and enterprise plant layouts during the regional economic development.Southeast Yin Plains where economy develops rapidly is taken for example.According to the loss of rural residents,farms and businesses at different flood level return periods,the relationship between flood risk and urban economic development is analyzed.Study shows:on the one hand,flood risk map can effectively reflect the flood inundated under different circumstances and direct the regional flood control.On the other hand,it can optimize the industrial layout and direct the elevation choices of different industrial type in the industrial park.Then flood losses are greatly relieved,and the region's social stability is ensured effectively.Therefore,flood risk map is of great significance to sustainable,healthy and stable economic development of the region.
出处 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2014年第12期96-99,108,共5页 China Rural Water and Hydropower
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41371046) 水利部水利公益专项项目(201201072)
关键词 洪水风险图 鄞东南平原 洪涝灾害 区域发展 flood risk map Southeast Yin Plains flood disaster regional development
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