
走私武器、弹药罪定罪量刑标准的具体理解与适用 被引量:1

On Understanding and Application of the Conviction Standard in the Crime of Smuggling Weapons and Ammunitions
摘要 "两高"新司法解释不再以军用、非军用作为划分枪支、弹药的标准,而是采用动力性质的标准,有利于统一理解刑法中枪支、弹药的含义及适用其量刑标准。在走私的货物、物品中藏匿武器、弹药,构成犯罪的,以实际走私的货物、物品定罪处罚;构成数罪的,实行数罪并罚。对于帮助转移走私枪支、弹药的资金的行为,应根据具体案情及在案证据情况,准确认定为走私枪支、弹药罪的共犯或洗钱罪。对于同一批枪支、弹药而言,行为人走私后再在境内非法买卖、运输、邮寄、储存、持有的,仍应以走私武器、弹药罪一罪论处。如果有的批次系走私进(出)境,有的批次与走私环节无关而系单纯在境内非法买卖、运输、邮寄、储存、持有的,则应当分别认定为走私武器、弹药罪和非法制造、买卖、运输、邮寄、储存、持有枪支、弹药罪,实行数罪并罚。 The new judicial interpretation by "Supreme Court and Procuratorate" no longer employs military and non-military use but the dynamic property as the standards of classifying guns and ammunitions, which is beneficial to the uniform understanding of the meaning of guns and ammunitions in the criminal law and the applicable conviction standards. If the smuggled goods or articles conceal weapons and ammunitions and constitute crime, the penalty is determined in light of the real smuggled goods or articles. If several offenses are incurred, punishments may be combined. Those illegal acts of helping transfer the money obtained through smuggling guns and ammunitions may be determined properly as the accomplice of the smuggling crime or money laundering crime according to the specific case situation and evidence. If the same shipment of guns and ammunitions is concerned, the smuggler who proceeds to illegally sell, deliver, post, store or keep the smuggled guns and ammunitions in China should be sentenced to the crime of smuggling weapons and ammunitions. If some shipments are smuggled into or out of the border and others which are not related to the smuggling simply concern illegal selling, delivering, posting, storing or keeping guns and ammunitions in China, the smuggler should be sentenced respectively to the crime of smuggling weapons and ammunitions and the crimes of illegally producing, selling, delivering, posting, storing and keeping guns and ammunitions, which may be combined in punishment.
作者 曹坚
出处 《海关与经贸研究》 2014年第6期22-29,共8页 Journal of Customs and Trade
关键词 走私武器、弹药罪 司法解释 枪支弹药 定罪量刑 Crime of Smuggling Weapons and Ammunitions Judicial Interpretation Guns and Ammunitions Conviction Standards
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