
创新网络内企业间关系能力的形成路径:一个内外来源的整合观 被引量:4

Formation of Relational Capability under the Background of Innovation Network:An Integrative View of Internal and External Sources
摘要 企业间关系能力对促进创新网络内的技术创新具有重要的意义。以中小企业创新网络为背景,提出联盟经验的组织学习与利用网络位置增强网络内竞争优势是创新网络内企业间关系能力形成的内外路径,并运用244个中小企业样本数据,采取结构方程模型进行验证。研究结果表明:在中小企业创新网络内,组织学习在联盟经验与关系能力间并不起中介作用;网络内竞争优势在网络位置与关系能力间起完全中介作用。 Inter- firm relational capability has a great significance on promoting innovation within the network. This article, on the basis of combining interior ability development views with external advantage sources views, analyzes whether and how both experiential learning and competition advantage within networking affect relational capability. In the context of China and under the background of innovation network of small and medium enterprises, organizational learning process does not have an intermediary role between alliance experience and relational capability. Network competition advantage completely mediates the relationship between network structure and relational capability, thus, location resources of network structure should be transformed to network competition advantage.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期12-18,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"多层次网络促动 知识异质度与企业持续创新能力研究"(71272048) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"基于创新网络的企业研发合作中的关系能力构成 测评与提升研究"(11YJC630118) 浙江省自然科学基金项目"跨界联结提升浙江传统集群内企业突破性创新绩效的机理--基于知识可分解性的调节效应"(LY14G020007)
关键词 联盟经验 组织学习 网络位置 网络内竞争优势 关系能力 alliance experience organizational learning network position network competitive advantage relational capability
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