
全球轨道交通将掀“永磁革命” 中国南车或可一马当先?

Permanent Magnet Revolution Reveling in Global Rail Transportation: Will CSR Take the Lead?
摘要 如疾风骤雨,又扑朔迷离。纷纷扰扰数十年的轨道交通市场,从没有像现在这样引来无数遐想与猜测。是的,正是永磁技术的大发展,推动着全球轨道交通产业进入一个全新的时代。那么,谁将成为这个新时代的领军者? The big development of permanent magnet technology is propelling global rail transportation into a brand-new age. This new market which is hard to quantify has not only brought to us great imagination, but made the competition between industry giants astonishingly fierce. The market is about to break out, and will it result in a reshuffle of the industry? And if so, who is going to take the lead?The air is filled with the smell of tension. But to CSR, the battle is more like a once-in a-lifetime opportunity!
作者 张乃琳
出处 《中国机电工业》 2015年第1期52-55,11,共4页 China Machinery & Electric Industry
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