目的通过腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术(1aparoscopic myomectomy,LM)与经腹子宫肌瘤剔除术(transabdominal myomectomy,TAM)的对比,分析腹腔镜与经腹子宫肌瘤剔除术各自的优越性。方法选取来我院行经腹子宫肌瘤剔除术和腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术各30例病例,分别对手术时间、术中出血量以及术后恢复情况进行比较分析。结果 LM手术时间较TAM长,差异显著;LM术中出血量、术后肛门排气时间均明显小于TAM。结论 LM较TAM具有创伤小、出血少、恢复快等优点,但LM不能完全取代TAM。
Objective To compare the therapy of laparoscopic myomectomy (LM ) with transabdominal myomectomy (TAM) to confirm the superiority of them .Methods 30 clinical cases using the LM and TAM were selected respectively to an alyze operative time ,intraoperative haemorrhage volume and postoperative recovery .Results Operative time in LM was longer than that in TAM ;Intraoperative haemorrhage volume in LM was less than that in the TAM .Time in recovery of bowel move ment last much shorter in TAM .Conclusions laparoscopic myomectomy can not substitute completely transabdominal myo mectomy although it has the advantage such as microincision ,less bleeding ,rapid recovery .
Journal of Binzhou Medical University