近年来,船东和船厂对锚台生产设计放样精度要求越来越高,然而锚台生产设计精确放样一直是船舶界公认的难题。通过在一系列船舶生产设计项目中不断地与船厂、详细设计部门沟通和摸索,逐步总结出一套基于TRIBON M3平台的锚台生产设计放样方法。该方法已经得到了众多船东和船厂的认可与好评。以实际项目为例,介绍TRIBON M3锚台生产设计放样的具体操作方法及步骤。
Recently, as the more accuracy demanding from shipowners and shipyards on ship production design, anchor bolster with better accuracy was required. But the precise of anchor bolster layout was a difficult issueworldwide. In this paper,a set of anchor bolster layout of production design on TRIBON M3 platform was established by communication with shipyards and detail design department. The method had won recognition and praise from many ship owners and shipyards. Taking an actual project as an example, specific operation method and steps to design an anchor bolster layout of production design was introduced by using TRIBON M3.
Journal of Ship Design