
基于包含原理动态结构系统的仿真分析 被引量:1

Simulation analysis of dynamic structure systems based on inclusion principle
摘要 群体系统动态结构问题是复杂系统研究的问题之一。根据系统的包含原理和对对分解方法,研究重叠互联系统当子系统个数增加时系统模型结构的扩充问题。通过结构变化得到子系统对在循环逆序排列的位置信息,提出基于任意数量子系统加入时的分散控制器,使新增子系统与原系统相关子系统之间建立关联,并以多智能体系统为例,采用一致性控制算法,通过仿真证明了多智能体系统动态结构的变化和趋于稳定的过程。 The issue problem of dynamic structure of group systems is one of complex system researches.Based on the inclusion principle and pair-wise decomposition, the structural expansion of the overlapping inter-connected systems are researched with the increasing number of subsystems. According to the position infor-mation of subsystems in the recurrent reverse order before and after structural variation, a decentralized con-troller based on random number of subsystems is proposed to establish the connection between the new subsys-tems and related subsystems of the original system. Finally, a multi agents system is taken as example and con-sensus control algorithm is used, the proposed structural variation of dynamic system and stable process aredemonstrated by simulation.
作者 赵丽虹
出处 《辽宁科技大学学报》 CAS 2014年第6期589-594,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning
关键词 包含原理 对对分解 分散控制 多智能体系统 inclusion principle pair-wise decomposition decentralized control multi-agent system
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