以2003年SPOT 5和2013年资源三号高空间分辨率遥感影像为数据源,开展了大沽河口湿地现状的遥感监测,分析了2003-2013年10 a间大沽河口湿地的变迁情况。研究结果表明:1)2003年研究区域湿地类型面积为8 876.80 hm^2,占研究区域的65.45%,其中自然湿地占22.8%;2013年研究区域湿地面积为6 779.1 9 hm^2,占研究区域的50%,其中自然湿地占19.4%;2)10 a间,大沽河口湿地面积减少了2 097.61hm^2,其中自然湿地面积减少446.72 hm^2,人工湿地整体面积减少1 650.92hm^2;3)10 a间研究区域总体呈湿地类型向非湿地类型转化、自然湿地向人工湿地转化,其中湿地类型向非湿地类型转化的面积为2 569.68 hm^2,自然湿地向人工湿地转化面积为397.54hm^2。
The high-resolution remote sensing images obtained by SPOT 5 in 2003 and ZY-3 in 2013 are used to monitor the status of the Dagu River estuary wetland, and the changes of the wetland from 2003 to 2013 are analyzed. The results show that: 1) The area of the wetland was 8 876.8 hm2 in 2003, making up 65.45% of the study area, of which the area of natural wetland was 22. 8%. In 2013, the area of the wetland was 6 779.19 hm2 , making up 50% of the study area, of which the area of the natural wetland was 19.4%. 2) In the period of 10 years, the area of the Dagu River estuary wetland reduced by 2 097.61 hm2 , of which the reduction area of the natural wetland was 446.72 hm2 , with the artificial wetland area decreasing by 1 650.92 hm2. 3) In the period of 10 years, the study area tended generally to transform from a wetland type to a non-wentland one, from a natural wetland type to an artificial one. The conversion area was 2 569.68 hm2 from wetland to non-wetland and 397.54 hm2 from natural wetland to artificial wetland.
Coastal Engineering
中欧国际合作龙计划项目3期--Monitoring China's Coastal Zones and Adjacent Seas Under Global Change by Satellite Data(10470)
Dagu River estuary
remote sensing