
面向三维导航的智能终端传感器数据处理技术 被引量:2

Data processing techniques on sensors of smart terminals for 3D navigation
摘要 针对智能终端传感器在三维场景导航交互中不稳定问题,提出了一种基于可变平滑归一化模型的传感器数据处理算法。根据传感器数据特点和不同滑动平滑模型数据处理的特性,将不同平滑模型进行组合,并实现平滑窗口可变;同时,运用归一化算法,对数据进行等距处理。在基于终端的三维导航交互系统的实验结果表明,所提算法对传感器低频数据处理后,数据标准方差减小了71.3%,明显地减少了数据扰动;对高频数据处理后,数据标准方差减小了7.9%,有效地保留了信号特征。所提方法能够提高智能终端在三维导航交互中的稳定性和连续性。 Since there are severe instability problems of human-computer interaction in 3D scenes' navigation, a data processing algorithm of variable smoothing and normalization model for sensors of smart terminals was proposed. In view of the data characteristics of sensors and processing characteristics of each smoothing model, the different smoothing models were combined and the variations of smooth window were enabled. A normalization algorithm was applied to deal with the interaction data of sensors equidistantly. The experimental results in navigation system of 3D scenes based on terminals show that, the standard variance decreases by 71. 3% after dealing with low frequency data of sensors with the proposed algorithm, which means the data perturbations is significantly reduced. And while processing the high frequency data, the standard variance decreases by 7. 9%, which effectively preserves the signal features. The proposed algorithm can distinctly improve the stability and continuity of 3D navigation interaction using smart terminals.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期252-256,288,共6页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60873093) 中国石油大学(北京)基金资助项目(KYJJ2012-05-16)
关键词 智能移动终端 三维导航 加速度传感器 滑动平滑算法 数据归一化 intelligent mobile terminal 3D navigation accelerometer sensor smoothing algorithm data normalization
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