

Ecological World in Text Research of The Book of Songs in Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐代《诗经》文本研究之状况颇具时代特色,大致表现为:其一,《诗经》学著作大多亡佚,存世者甚少。今存者仅有孔颖达《毛诗正义》、陆德明《毛诗音义》、成伯玙《毛诗指说》、贾岛《二南密旨》等四部。其二,研究内容主要集中于对《诗经》主旨、音义、典章与词汇的阐释,这与唐代科举需用《诗经》著作有密切关系。其三,《诗经》学著作中,既有对《毛诗传笺》内容的承传,又有对其解说的否定,另创新说,体现了独立思考的学术精神与时代特色。其四,《诗经》研究者中,不少人本身既是学者,又是老师,将自己的研究成果直接传授给学生,薪火相传,文脉赓续,自然形成优良的诗学传统。其五,以孔颖达为首主撰的《毛诗正义》,具有里程碑式的杰出《诗经》学成果。《诗经》所开创的现实精神与比兴艺术优良文学传统,直接滋养了唐诗"丰神情韵"的思想与艺术精神。 The text research of The Book of Songs in Tang Dynasty has its own specialty which can be represented as the following aspects. Firstly, the works about it are mostly lost. Among the rarely existing works, Mao Shi Zheng Yi edited by Kong Ying-da, Mao Shi Yin Yi by Lu Deming, Mao Shi Zhi Shuo by Cheng Bo-yu and Er Nan Mi Zhi by Jia Dao are the most important ones. Secondly, these studies are on the explanation of the main ideas, phonetics and semantics, idioms and words in The Book of Songs which are the results of the imperial examination of Tang Dynasty. Thirdly, the works about it not only inherit the content of Mao Shi Zhuan Jian but also negate its explanation and set up a new school of ideas which represents the independently academic spirits and the character of the times. Fourthly, some of the researchers are both experts and teachers who pass their research results directly to their students which help form the poetic tradition. Fifthly, Mao Shi Zheng Yi edited by Kong Yin-da is regarded as the milestone work of The Book of Songs’ research. The realistic spirit and Bixing art originally created in The Book of Songs directly nurtured the lingering charm in the artistic spirits of Tang Poetry.
作者 李金坤
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2014年第6期83-88,共6页 Journal of Hengshui University
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(13FZW010)
关键词 唐代 《诗经》 文本 研究生态 文学传统 Tang Dynasty The Book of Songs text ecological research literary tradition
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