

False-belief and White Lie-telling Behavior in Children Aged 3-6: Moderating Role of Motivation
摘要 目的:探讨3-6岁儿童错误信念与白谎行为、动机的关系。方法:采用故事情境与真实情境两种实验方法对辽宁省沈阳市3所幼儿园的240名儿童进行了研究。结果:1儿童对错误信念的理解随年龄的增长而逐渐提高,其年龄差异显著,性别差异不显著。2儿童总体白谎行为、亲社会白谎行为随年龄的增长而逐渐增多,不存在显著的年龄差异与性别差异。3儿童错误信念与白谎行为具有显著正相关,亲社会动机在两者关系中起调节作用。结论:3-6岁儿童错误信念与白谎行为的关系在某种程度上受动机的影响。 Objective: To explore the relationship between false-belief and white lie-telling behavior and motivation in children aged 3-6. Methods: 240 Kindergarten children from Sheyang, Liaoning Province were measured by two experiments based on story and real-life situations. Results: ①While there was no gender differences, children' s false-belief understanding increased with age. ②With the growth of age, children' s overall white-lie telling behavior, pro-social white- lie telling behavior were both increased gradually, although there were no significant differences in different age groups. ③ Children' s false-belief was positively correlated with white-lie telling behavior, moreover, pro-social motivation served as a moderating role between false-belief and white-lie telling behaviors. Conclusion: Relationship between false-belief and white-lie telling behavior is modulated by motivation in children aged 3-6.
作者 张娜 刘秀丽
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期989-993,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(14YJA880047)
关键词 错误信念 白谎行为 动机 调节作用 False-belief White lie-telling behavior Motivation Moderating effect
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