
棘轮锁紧式举升机构的设计 被引量:1

The Design of the Ratchet Wheel Lock Type Lifting Mechanism
摘要 棘轮锁紧式举升机构,包括通过齿轮传动轴连接的两个举升架,举升架包括支撑底座、固定臂、活动臂和齿轮箱,固定臂通过固定支座固定在支撑底座上表面的一端,固定臂一端与固定支座活动连接,固定臂另一端与活动臂的一端活动连接,活动臂的另一端设有滚动轴承,滚动轴承置于支撑底座上;齿轮箱上设有齿轮和齿条,齿条通过齿条连接杆与活动臂连接,齿条上与齿条连接连接的一端设有齿条销轴孔,齿条连接杆上设有三个等间距的连接杆销轴孔;两个举升架上的齿轮通过齿轮传动轴连接。其有益效果为:结构合理,坚固实用;能带动装配定位夹具及工件做升降运动和正、反360度旋转。 Ratchet wheel lock type lifting mechanism includes two lifting frame connected through the gear drive shaft , and lifting frame which includes support base plate , fixed arm , movable arm and gear box. Fixed arm through one end fixed on the surface of the bearing support at the base , active connection at one end and a fixed arm fixed support fixed arm at the other end connected to one end of the movable arm activities , the other end of the arm is equipped with rolling bearing, roller bearing in supporting the base; Gear box is equipped with gear and rack , rack through rack connection rod connected to the movable arm , on the rack and rack connections with rack at the end of the pin shaft hole , rack on the connecting rod is equipped with three equally spaced connecting rod pin shaft hole; Two lifting gear by gear transmission shaft connection on the shelf . Its beneficial effects are: reasonable structure, strong practical; Can drive assembly positioning fixture and artifacts do lifting movement and positive and reverse rotate 360 degrees .
出处 《现代制造技术与装备》 2014年第6期16-17,共2页 Modern Manufacturing Technology and Equipment
关键词 棘轮 锁紧 举升 机构 Ratchet lock lifting institutions
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